Becoming a Chiropractor came from a place of questioning everything. I was that kid who always asked, "but why?" I always wanted to know why, in a bigger sense than "just because". I was driven by finding the answers to questions I had. When I was 12-13 I missed most of my 7th grade year. I had a rash all over my body and extreme fatigue that went on for months. The doctors didn't know what was wrong after so many test results had returned with "normal" values. The only thing my mom was told, was that I possibly had childhood Leukemia, that we would have to wait and see. It was at this point that I knew I would figure it out, I would ask the bigger questions.
I had no idea what a chiropractor was until my last term as a pre-med student applying to medical schools. I had to do a project where I interned in various health care facilities to get a better grasp on what health care was and how I would fit in. To my surprise, I couldn't really see myself in any of the settings I explored. As a desperate measure to complete the project, I ended up in a Chiropractors office near my house. It was there that I was amazed! As I sat in the waiting room, I saw 3 extraordinary people come in and leave inspired, happy, and excited to come back. I finished my internship there, and off I went to chiropractic school.
Today in my practice I see the same thing, people coming in the door in a desperate situation seeking answers and leaving relived and hopeful and on a path to wellness and health. I don't always have answers but I am wiling to look, to be resourceful, and partner with my patients for a a better solution. We live in a time of questions now, in a time of uncertainty, and of personal challenge. However, I know that together we can find solutions, answers, and a way to improve health and well being for each of us.
It may not be what we are all used to, but sometimes being able to think outside the box is exactly where we find solutions. As COVID-19 changes the way we all live, I have taken this opportunity to step out of my box and see what I can do to help as we move forward. I have created an online platform that will allow for HIPPA compliant tele-conferencing, personal plans for vitamins and supplements, and specific workouts for your individual needs. I will be running my practice in this format with blogs, social media content, and continued information and support. Doctor means teacher, and here I have to opportunity to teach everyone on an individual basis in a unique setting outside of my office.
Please feel free to reach out. I am temporarily doing tele-health visits as a complimentary service to all existing patients. Appointments can be booked online at I will confirm the appointment and send you a personal link to the private tele-health conference.
I can't wait to see you!
Dr. Heather Isensee, DC